I am making progress. I have been playing with a resistive fitting to do the impedance matching and following that by a small two transistor post amp to bring the signal back into a measurable range.
It's looking promising.
I am also experimenting with producing PCB's by toner transfer and that is looking promising as well using SMT components. I have started on building filters with SMT components and that is also promising but I have a lot to learn. I have built a 148Mhz low pass filer and it isn't quite right yet. It's come down to 140 Mhz. I think that's due to the components I have being only 5% and almost all the capacitors on the high side (or is that just my SMD device measuring tools?) Of course stray capacitance is present in all PCB's (and stray inductance as well!) I'm not yet good at compensating for that.
The worst part is I have a lot to learn about using SMD Inductors! The filer I built looked usable up to about 240Mhz then the attenuation rises and above 500Mhz I would rather not comment about but at some frequencies between 500Mhz and 2.7G (As high as my measuring gear go's) the attenuation was under 10db! As I say I have a lot to learn.
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