There was a time when I thought that most companies used the expertise of their people and that the management of companies have a firm hand on the tiller of their businesses.
How naive can one be.
I've worked for the company that I am part of for over thirty four years and now I have studied many other companies as well.
I can honestly say that companies do NOT use the expertise of their people and that management is NOT in any sort of control of their businesses.
Most people will say this is not a surprise and point at Dilbert as a clear indication that companies blunder onward rather than deliver to a plan.
However it is a clear landmark in ones life when one realises that this is not humour --- it is real life.
What seems strangest is that the people who totally wreck companies success get rewarded rather than penalised. I do wonder if any companies do respect their staff?
Anyway as you can see I am in a sour mood today.
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